Sunday 20 November 2022

I was Proposed by A Villain [Part 47]

Chapter 7 : Understanding (3)


Regina went out to the training ground with her black hair neatly tied together in her training outfit. Today was the day she decided to take a sword lesson from Iz.

When she arrived at the training ground on one side of the mansion, Iz, who had been waiting for her, approached her and bowed to her.

"Good afternoon, Iz. Please take good care of me."

"I'll do my best."

Iz handed her a wooden sword and immediately began the class. Regina wasn't going to be a knight, so she didn't have to tell her about chivalry or anything.

"I heard that you are learning it for self-defense. Then I'll train you to protect yourself as soon as possible."

Iz was a surprisingly good teacher. It could have been a little rude to say it was unexpected, but it was because she seemed to be firm in her own swordsmanship.

However, after experiencing it in person, she slowly taught Regina one by one.

"When you hold a sword, first of all, you must hold it in this way."

It was simple, such as how to hold the sword, the gap between the feet, the position of the knee, and how to swing it. Regina was very passionate, perhaps because she was taking classes for her own safety.

"You seem to have a talent for swordsmanship."

As Iz said, Regina easily got used to the posture and absorbed it as soon as she taught. If she showed the movement once or twice, she would do well even the part Iz didn't point out. If the teacher teach you one thing, you can say that the student learns ten things.

Hearing that, the corners of her lips twitched into a smile. Even when she was learning horseback riding, she was proud of her horse riding lessons because she had heard it from Arsene.

However, there was one problem and that was...

"You need to build up your stamina."

Iz said that she was tired quickly due to lack of stamina. In addition, she had to develop her strength and endurance.

People who practice to becoming the knights practice slashing thousands of times a day, but in just one hour, she used up all her strength and collapsed on the ground.

Dust clung to the hem of her clothes, but she couldn't stand with this leg. Her arms also trembled, and she dropped her wooden sword on the ground. Actually, only her heart, she wanted to lie down here, but she held back that much.

"I'm so tired...."

It was clear that if someone in society saw a lady from the Count family lying on the ground, obviously she would be in awe. It's embarrassing to be so uneducated.

But Iz didn't care about that at all. Rather than that, she looked at Regina's condition and planned the next class.

"When we start the next class, Lady will do push-ups as a warm-up exercise. It would be more helpful if you could exercise from time to time in addition to training time."

Regina wondered if she could do push-ups and hold the sword. However, all the training for the swordsmanship class could not be neglected. She didn't know when the knife would come to her again, so she had to be able to protect herself before that.

"Then I think we'd better stop here for today and go in and wash up."

They decided to take classes at sunset every day. As Arsene's fiancée, she couldn't help it when there was a task to be performed, but if there was nothing special, she wanted to become proficient even one day sooner.

Upon returning to the mansion, Sally, who was waiting for her, greeted her. Regina, looking exhausted, asked as she climbed the stairs.

"Sally, what about the bath?"

"Its ready."

"All right. Thank you."

She didn't stop by the room and headed straight to the bathroom. She didn't want to enter the room like this.

Sally looked at her in a state of dust and sweat and made a subtle expression. She couldn't tell whether it was a good or bad thing for a girl who lived a life far from exercising to start learning swordsmanship after being threatened several times. But she followed Regina's footsteps without unnecessarily adding words.

When she entered the bathroom, hot steam covered her entire body. The freshly prepared water was still warm. Regina quickly threw off her clothes and immersed herself in a bathtub that looked like heaven.

As she immersed herself in the hot bath, she felt languidly relaxed. Her tense muscles softened again at the hands of the maids. But tomorrow, muscle pain seemed inevitable.

After getting out of the bathroom and drying her hair, it was time for dinner.

Arsene, who was in advance, smiled at her as she went down to the dinning room holding her still trembling arms.

"I heard that you started your swordsmanship class today. How's the class?"

Severo took the documents he was looking at and food was brought up one by one. Regina said to herself, delighted that today's main menu was meat.

"It was fun. It wasn't difficult to learn, but it was hard because I lacked stamina."

Perhaps because she moved her body hard, her mouth was watering when she saw the food being prepared. After all the servants had left, they started eating.

"You have a talent for it, so you'll probably be good at sword fighting. You just need to build your stamina little by little."

Feeling proud of Arsene's praise, she nodded her head. It was what he said, so it was believable.

But now, as if even lifting a spoon was too much for her, her heavy arms kept falling down. Still, with her firm arms raised, she managed to finish her soup and eat her quiche.

However, when it was time to eat the main dish, her fine brows wrinkled slightly.

"Do you want me to help you?"

The meat was cut sloppy because of lack of strength. While Regina was thinking about what to do, Arsene rose from his seat.

She looked at him with bewildered eyes as he approached her.

"You don't have to come to my seat..."

It's helping. Isn't it enough to take a plate and cut it? But he had already sat down beside her.

"It's too far."

It wasn't to the extent that they were far apart. It was within reach of him if he stretched out his hand, but he was so unconcerned that it felt really far away.

Arsene, who spoke brazenly, cut up a piece of her meat and handed it to her. When she tried to receive it by chance, he avoided it as if he were going to take it again.

When she looked at him in wonder and asked why, he said.

"Say, ah..."

Dumbfounded, she lost her words and opened her mouth. She didn't miss that time and bit the meat that came into her mouth, his purple eyes bent and gave a pretty smile.

Regina, who quickly swallowed what was in her mouth as he cut the meat again, shook her head.

"You don't have to do this, Arsene. You can just cut it all at once and I will eat it....."

Besides, there was no need to feed her. She didn't hurt her arm, she just had no strength, so there was no problem dipping and eating the meat.

However, Arsene resolutely repelled her protests.

"Steak is not delicious if you cut it beforehand."

"No, then even if I eat....."

"If its hard. Didn't I told you."

Then, she couldn't refute anything more and calmly ate the meat that came close to her mouth.

It was because she remembered the look in his eyes when she looked at him, saying don't hesitate to say that if she was having a hard time.

She thought she didn't need to say these little things, but she did not seem able to break his will to feed her.

After finishing her meal like a baby bird eating its food, she trudged back to her room. She felt a kind of lethargy that she couldn't tell if it was because of her swordsmanship class or Arsene.

Sprawled on the bed, she picked up the book she had left on the table. Originally, she was going to make some special medicine before going to bed, but she was exhausted because she rolled her body too hard today.

Since she had just eaten, she grabbed her mind for a while thinking that she shouldn't sleep, but less than two hours later, her mind went hazy.


Eventually, Regina's head fell onto the book.

So she fell asleep as if she fainted using a book as a pillow.


It was before she came here, that is, when she was on Earth.

Without parents, she grew up in an orphanage. There also had several other children like herself and a caretaker, but she always felt that she was lacking something.

Sometimes, she imagines herself having parents, even though it was all in vain.

She lost all her motivation and went to compulsory school. Her grades continued to hover around the bottom of the range, and her normal school life continued without anything special.

One day, as her discharge to leave the orphanage was approaching little by little, she read <Isota's Good and Evil>. Her memory of how she came across it was hazy. In fact, not only that, but the content was also blurry.

Obviously, when she first possessed Regina body, she remembered most of the main lines and wrote them down in her notebook, but when she came to her senses, she had no memories or notes.

Is it because she shouldn't have recorded it? Why?

At some point, she was floating in a space where there was nothing.

[It's my fault]

She felt a word that she didn't know whose voice it was. No, there seemed to be no voice at all. It's just like her thought.

What did you do wrong?

She wanted to ask someone she didn't even know.

[This was where you were supposed to be]

It kept telling her something. She heard it all when she didn't know whether she had her eyes open or closed.

She wanted her to explain it more kindly, but the story went on. Dreams were arbitrary.

[I'll put everything back to original]

The original? What's the standard of the original? Why do you keep doing this to me?

In the midst of confusion, she moved her hand to try something.

She thought it was a meaningless gesture in a space where nothing existed. Somehow, it felt like a warm energy wrapped around her hand and then her body.

[I'll be with you on your way]


Regina woke up suddenly and touched something hard while getting out of bed. She heard a rustling sound, and when she saw it in her hand, it was a book.

'Oh, right. I fell asleep while reading a book yesterday.'

And she thought she had a dream....

She tilted her head and thought about it, but she couldn't remember exactly what the dream was. She remembered her old image and something, but as she tried to think of it, it gradually faded.

Regina gave up trying to remember and looked out the window. The sun had just begun to rise and the sky wasn't that bright yet. Apparently, she woke up early because she fell asleep early yesterday.

As soon as she pulled the rope, Sally came in. She seemed surprised when the bell rang from an unexpected time.

"Miss, you woke up really early today. This is the earliest you've ever had."

"What time is it?"

"It's not even breakfast yet."

Regina, who had not expected it to be to that extent, was lost in thought for a moment.

'What should I do? If breakfast isn't ready yet...'

She had to think about what to do with the rest of the time. Should she go back to sleep? Or should she get up?

Then she felt a subtle muscle pain in her arm. Only then did she recall the swordsmanship training she had received yesterday.

She then thought for a moment that it would be all right for her to go to the training ground. She wouldn't wake up this early every day, so there weren't many opportunities.

"Then I'll go to the training ground for a while."

"All right."

Regina, who changed into comfortable pants, went down to the training ground feeling like she became a morning person for no reason.

She took out one of the wooden swords from the storage area of equipment and walked leisurely until she suddenly stopped.

There was someone in the training ground who came before her.

The dim morning sun glittered over the disorganized head along the movement, as she followed the flowing sword

The faint morning sunlight glittered over his hair, which was disheveled as he moved. As she followed his flowing sword line, she forgot that she was going to enter the training ground.

Sanding blankly, she made eye contact with the gaze looking at her after a while.

Standing blankly, after a while his gaze met hers as she looked at him.

"You woke up early."

His eyes bent and purple eyes slightly disappeared. It was a handsome Arsene again today.

t/n : If you read the webtoon, this is chapter 33. The story is a little different, because there are several parts that were skipped in the webtoon.

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