Monday 19 December 2022

I was Proposed by A Villain [Part 53]

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Chapter 7 : Understanding (9)


She was stunned by the horrors she had never seen before.

The moment her eyes met, it felt like her whole body had frozen.

Something appeared in front of Regina and Aconite, not even knowing from where to where the face was.

Suddenly, she felt strongly that she should not turn around and run. She held her breath and slowly backed away.

Her hand on one side gripped Aconite and pulled it tremblingly.


His eyes rolled.

The horrible creature crimson eyes looked at her as she retreated.

She thought it would rush right away, but surprisingly, it faced her and didn't come any closer.

The moment she felt a little relieved and was about to slip away, it suddenly made a fierce look and screamed.


The creature that ran madly as if it had lost its sight in an instant was like a surge of fear.

Boom boom.

The ground rumbled.

It came within an instant, swinging what looked like an arm. If she hesitated, she felt like they were going to get beaten up and blown away before she even realized it.

The moment when it arms raised high in the sky pour toward them.

That moment passed slowly like slow motion.


Regina pushed Aconite away and threw herself to avoid it. But before that, a strong force came over her.

It was only after rolling around on the ground that she realized the situation, she raised her head in the midst of dizziness and looked around.

There was a hand that hugged Regina as if to protect her. When she lowered her head, she saw orange hair that filled her view.

"Lady Hilluens?"

Even though she was shorter than her, Aconite, which covered her whole body as if trying to protect her with all her might, was limp in Regina arms.

"Regina! Are you okay?"

At that time, Kai appeared out of nowhere and stopped the monsters from attacking them. In addition, the knights guarding the vacant lot and Iz ran to the disturbance to protect them.


She didn't see him at the start of the competition earlier, so she didn't know when he came.

Regina was momentarily taken aback by his sudden appearance, but suddenly came to her senses by the body temperature in her arms.

"Lady. Lady Hilluens? Are you okay?"


When she checked her face as she brushed her scattered hair to one side, she saw a frown on her face.

She looked at her condition, puzzled by how she seemed to be enduring the pain. It doesn't seem like a big deal.......

Regina thought so, but it wasn't.

She brushed off her dark orange hair, revealing the scars hidden underneath.

It was as if she had been hit with an exposed back while covering Regina.

Her dress had been torn, leaving a long scar. It was not a life-threatening wound, but it wasn't something a noble lady would suffer from.

"Lady Hilluens, can you hear my voice? It's too dangerous here–"

Thud. One of the creature arms fell to the ground.


The creature whose arm was cut off by the knights around it  swept around like crazy. They tried to distance themselves from the Regina and Aconite as much as possible, but that violent creature did not move as they wished.

Looking down at Aconite again with an urgent mind, Regina closed her eyes tight when she saw bloody wound and cold sweat on her face.

'If I use my ability here, it's like revealing it to everyone.'

Regina know, she should stay still.

But it felt like piercing her conscience with a knife to leave it alone even though it could be cured.

Aconite Hilluens is a noble lady. Even if such a large wound was treated right away, it could leave a scar unless it was holy water. To the nobility, scars was like a stain.

She got hurt to protect Regina. Of course, Aconite would have avoided it somehow if it weren't for her, but it would have been herself who get hurt. It hasn't changed that Regina got help from her.

This fact overlapped and made it complicated.

Regina took a deep breath and put her hand over Aconite wound.

It was then.

The strong hand caught her wrist. Her gaze naturally followed it and met the purple eyes.

As if he run, Arsene with disheveled hair looked at her softly. She accidentally rolled her lips inward at the gaze that looked into it as if he knew what she was going to do.

The situation progressed quickly.

Before she knew it, Aconite, which was carried on a stretcher by knights, was quickly moved to another place.

Regina stood up as Arsene grabbed her wrist, and in the blink of an eye she was hugged by him.

With reflex, she put her arms around his neck, and he held her as they walked towards where the others were evacuated.

"They will take measures to prevent that Lady wound from being scarred."

It was as if he could see right through her thoughts.

She, who was looking at Arsene's chin, which shimmered in front of her eyes, threw her gaze away from him and nodded her head.

He glanced down at Regina looking into the air and said.

"If possible, it's better to hide your abilities. I know what you were worried about, but take care of yourself more than that, Regina."

He was right. This ability of hers will only harming herself. Two of the most dangerous people had already know  her powers, so it had to be prevented from spreading beyond that.

But she was a person who couldn't overlook her responsibilities. As long as she had a strong healing power, it felt like a duty to her to at least treat those who were injured because of her.

Her habit of embracing everything was also revealed here.

She didn't want to be a good person to everyone, but she couldn't let go of the pain she was given.

As if he knew she was in conflict, he stopped walking and looked at her with a determined gaze.

"I value you more than anything else."

His bright purple eyes peered into her.

Her heart sank as if it had stopped breathing.


Why is she important to him?

The thought raced through her head, but she couldn't bear to bring it out of her mouth.

She vaguely guessed why.

Because there is no one else has such a rare ability as her. So he was just saying something nice to hear.

Looking at her shaking pupils, he moved his feet again. Before she knew it, Evan appeared in front of them silently.

"Find out who brought that all the way here."

He bowed and left immediately. Perhaps sooner or later the results will be brought before Arsene.

She turned her head and looked over Arsene's shoulder. Kai's red hair moved quickly. It looked like they had almost finished cleaning up that creature.

Something muddy flowed from both arms of the creature and created a puddle.

It was a place where safety was confirmed to hold a hunting competition. This means that there is no way that such a creature would pop out.

As she expected, this was likely intentional.

'But for what?'

Who and for what purpose summoned evil creature and inflicted damage on them?

Looking at the miserable sight, as she pondered over it, Arsene twisted her body, and everything in her field of vision disappeared.

"Don't look at that."

As she turned her head, she saw his face slightly tilted towards her. Sparkling platinum blonde hair streamed down in front of her eyes.

"I want you to only look at pretty and beautiful things."

As if it was just her, those magical eyes shone.


Regina, who was making eye contact with him absentmindedly, managed to come to her senses after a while and turned her head. Now, her ears, which are red like habits, poked out through her black hair.

As they approached the tent where the other nobles were gathered, the Duchess of Haynes rushed to her.

"Are you all right, Lady Blois?"

Earlier, Iria's face was pale because Aconite returned with a big wound. It's a hunting competition hosted by her family, but such a big accident happened. They waved their hands at the repeated apologies, saying that they were largely responsible for failing to check and manage properly.

"I'm not hurt, Duchess. I was just a little surprised."

And then she gestured to Arsene, who was still holding her, to let her down.

But he deliberately ignored her signal by tilting his head as if he hadn't noticed it.

"Please let me down."

Eventually, when she spoke out, he slowly put her down.

Regina, who got out of his arms, looked around. She was looking for Aconite that had been moved first.

"What happened to Lady Hilluens?"

When she asked because she couldn't find the dark orange hair, the Duchess sighed heavily and replied.

“First of all, we gave first aid and transport her to the temple. I think you don't have to worry because not only the priest but also the best physician were attached. By the way, Lady Blois must have been very surprised, so you'd better go back and rest."

When she said that, those who were looking at the situation around her nodded.

"That's right, don't think about anything else and get some rest."

"I recommend you drink calming tea and sleep."

Anyway, the hunting competition was almost ruined. It will be difficult to proceed as it is. As they said, she needed a break now.

"Yes, Regina. We'll go back now."

There was nothing more to hesitate when she urged Arsene to return home. They greeted the Duchess and headed to the place where the carriage was parked.

Just before she climbed into the carriage to leave the hunting ground, Kai, who had returned from dealing with the evil creature, called her.


When she looked back, she saw him looking a little uncomfortable, unlike usual. Even though he was aware of his messy appearance, he didn't straighten his hair and came quickly. His light-green eyes were rolling around busily, checking Regina's condition.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

She had messy hair and disheveled clothes rolling on the ground, but thanks to Aconite holding her back, she was not visibly hurt.

"Yes, I'm fine."

".....That's a relief."

Seeing Kai sweeping away his pale face, she felt a little strange. Why is everyone trying to protect her? Why do they nice to her?

As she was about to fall into agony for a moment, but suddenly Arsene grabbed her hand.

Awakening from her thoughts, she turned her head, and he nodded.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I think Regina needs a rest. W'll go first, sir Bellov."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was holding onto it. Please go home safely. Regina, I'll get back to you next time."

She nodded and was escorted by Arsene into the carriage.

When she sat down with her hips attached, her fatigue came quickly. Perhaps it was because her mental power was consumed too much, her body had no strength at all.

As the carriage shook, Arsene, who was sitting across from her, looked at her intently. Then, at some point, he got up and sat next to her.


She followed his movement with a weak gaze, wondering why, and he reached out and hugged her head slightly to lean on him.

Regina suddenly leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Close your eyes for a bit. I'll wake you up when we get there."

Her eyes, which had been blinded by the soft voice, slowly closed. She didn't mean to sleep, but his soft voice magically led her.

Before she knew it, she fell into a sleep.




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