Wednesday 25 January 2023

I was Proposed by A Villain [Part 60]

For fast update please buy a coffe~

Chapter 9 : Escaped From The Villain (2)


Iz, who came out with Regina, died with a dark complexion. She lost sight of the person she was supposed to escort, so it was natural for her.

Not only she but also the hiding escorts were very embarrassed and exchanged signals.

She searched the main street, but Regina's dark hair was nowhere to be seen. As if she had evaporated into the sky. Every black-haired person she checked just in case only frowned in annoyance.

She thought she should report it to her master first, she was about to leave this place to others and head back to the mansion, but one of the escorts scattered in all directions called for Iz.

"Iz, over here...."

"Ah, let me go!"

Before she could say anything, a clear voice separated the two. When she turned her head in the direction from which the sound came, she saw the lady of the Rose family who had been with lady Regina a while ago.

"I don't know! I suddenly missed her because I was pushed by people."

She glared at the one who held her with a sullen face. Iz could tell by the expression on her face that she didn't like the situation very much.

She tried to shake off her arm once more, but when she couldn't let go of him, she raised her eyes sharply.

"Are you dare to touch the lady's body?"

"Forgive me for the rudeness. It's urgent. Did you not even see in which direction the lady disappeared?"

However, the escort holding Isota only bowed his head as if he was sorry. It was because she tried to run right away when he let go of her hand.

Iz's gaze fell from her shiny blonde hair to the hat in her hand. That was the hat lady Regina had bought earlier. Why is that in her hand?

"I don't know. I just got Regina's hat to try it on, but she disappeared in the blink of an eye. I'm also confused right now? How many times do I tell you to let go of this? I am a daughter of Marquis Rose."

The escort who had been holding her who was continued protesting looked at Iz. It was a view that left the decision to Iz, Arsene aide and his senior.

She nodded lightly. Only then did the guard let go of her hand and back down.

"I sincerely apologize for my rudeness. I was in a hurry and made a big mistake for the lady. Please be considerate of me with great generosity."

"Huh! Indeed!"

Isota laughed in vain as if she was dumbfounded. Iz, who was looking at it from a little distance, instructed the person next to her.

"Go to the gate right now and make sure that the lady hasn't left. If she hasn't out yet, you mustn't let the others out either."

If her own predictions are correct, maybe......But she couldn't understand what the lady was thinking when she acted like that.

She walked in the direction of Isota and called for another escort.

She finished figuring out the situation. Iz ordered the other knight to informed Arsene about this immediately.

In her head, she already remembered that the beautiful appearance of the lord was distorted.


People were coming in and out through the open gate. They casually held out their IDs and passed by.

Regina, who slowed down from the time she saw the gate, reached in front of it and put her hand in her pocket.

"Show me your ID."

At the words of the soldier standing guard over, she pulled out something. It was a fake ID prepared by Kai in advance. Although, to be precise, it was not a fake, but someone else's.

The soldier's eyes glanced at her.

Her heart was beating like it was going to explode because she felt like it was taking longer than everyone else. She tried to pretend to be as calm as possible, but she couldn't help and feel her mouth dry.


He looked back and forth between her ID card and her, then looked away and nodded. As if that was a signal, her stiff body loosened and a sigh of relief leaked out.

He might be suspicious of a person wearing a cloak, but he didn't even tell her to take off it. That was because the shift time was slowly approaching, and there were not one or two people who wore cloaks or robes. It was luck for her to be sloppy in that regard because it was not a border, but a capital wall.

Regina, who put her ID card back in her pocket, drove her horse again.

She could hear the clatter of horses' hooves hitting the ground, and within a few steps she passed the wall.

She finally got out of the capital.


The empress dowager movement was strange.

The Allegrand estate continued to recruit soldiers. Now, the scale is getting bigger and bigger, to the point where sanctions have to be taken.

On the other hand, she was reluctantly quiet. According to his experience, this meant that she was plotting something, but she didn't come out of the palace, so he couldn't figure out what it was.

However, from the reports of those he sent to investigate, one thing was certain, Tabby frequently goes in and out of the basement.

He needed some information, but she was a formidable opponent, so even if he put a spy in, it was useless because it would be discovered quickly.

Arsene, who was thinking while walking through the corridors of the Imperial palace, suddenly stopped and turned his head to the window.

In his hand was a cane used as a crutch. There were still splints and bandages on his legs, making him look like a sick person.

That figure was quite conspicuous, in fact, just a moment ago, Ruairi also asked him about the reason for the splint's existence. Of course, his question had a slightly different meaning.

Arsene's gaze, leaning against the cane, scanned the landscape outside. At first glance, it was a beauty that could be described as a look full of sorrow.

The sky was dark because the sun had set before he knew it. He opened his mouth while staring at the cold sky.

"What's going on?"

Silent steps crossed the corridor as if they were assassins. One of his men quickly approached and stopped in front of him, bowing his head.

“The lady has disappeared.”


As his cold eyes glanced at him, he explained the situation in more detail. Now, the sky was dark and the stars were starting to rise.

When the situation that appeared to be a runaway rather than a kidnapping was reported, an unintentional bitter voice came out.

"Today was the day."

Is this feeling a disappointment? Is it regret? He hoped that she would not run away, but in the end this day came.

"I hoped she would take pity on me, but it seems it didn't work for her."

He looked at the cane he was holding. It must have seemed like a little bit of a load on her heart, but it wasn't.

Maybe she rather saw this as an opportunity. That's how fast it was to get away.

Even, who appeared and stood behind him, asked briefly.

"Shall I bring her?"


Arsene, who answered firmly, handed over his cane to him and removed the bandage from his splint. Even after washing his eyes, he couldn't find the look that had looked sick until just now.

It was natural, because he had never been sick.

"I'll go myself."

Putting on his gloves once more, he headed out of the main palace. It was time to go catch her who left him.


Leaving the capital, Regina went to Entanto as planned.

If they noticed that she had run away, there was a good chance that they would come after her and follow her. Because they'd expect her to move on to Miss Brun. Once she got to Miss Brun, he would be hard to track her down.

The harsh hoofs of horses rang through the forest. Dust rose foggy behind them, who kicked the ground to the point of being ferocious. Her butt felt tingling, but she didn't stop.

However, despite her desire to keep running, the horse that should move fast became slower and slower like her physical strength decreased.

Eventually, Regina, who cut off the empire overnight, stopped for a while in a nearby village around the sunrise and changed her horse.

It was not a place without outsiders, but a person who was tightly wrapped in a cloak and moving busily caught the attention of the residents. She frequently checked to see if her hair was covered well by the hooded.

Moving her luggage in that gaze and getting on a new horse, she set off again. She couldn't stay still for a moment because she felt like Arsene and his men were chasing her right behind her.

As she left the village, a flat land, not a forest, unfolded for a while. The sun rose in front of her eyes because the direction she was running was east. The slowly brightening sky exposed the surroundings.

May there be only that sun-like light in her path.

A small black dot quickly passed through the flat land. Now she was so tired that she wanted to spread to her bed right away, but she endured it thinking about the future.

Entanto is not far away.


Empress dowager Alicia, who had been sitting with her eyes closed in the dark basement, raised her eyelids. Her blue eyes twinkled in the darkly glowing lanterns.

"Did it run away?"

The person prostrated in front of her nodded his head.

"Yes. It was said that Duke Greroy stepped up himself, as if he was in a hurry."

Upon investigating the sudden movement outside the capital, it is said that his fiancée has disappeared in the middle of the city. They have never used their hands here, so they are either third parties or disappeared with her own feet.

And the current situation was very likely to be her will.

Empress dowager, who was listening to the story, raised the corners of her mouth to the pretty interesting situation.

"I guess she couldn't stand Arsene either."

A giggling voice echoed against the cellar walls. A roar of laughter filled the room.

After a moment of enjoyment, she gestured lightly and instructed.

"Go get her."

It was obvious who she was asking to bring. The person in front of her quickly disappeared at her command.

The aide, who was looking at the scene, approached the empress dowager and asked.

"How do you feel?"

It wasn't about Regina that she asked. A shady energy lingered at their feet.

Alicia closed her eyes again, and leaned back on the backrest with the happiest smile in recent years.

"Very perfect."

It was a truly perfect and enchanting time.




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